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We are keen on expanding our relationships with partners from industry and the academic sphere to reap the mutual benefits of our collaboration.

By focusing on a wide range of energy issues, our members were able to establish ties to a multitude of industries. Our alumni embark on bright careers in companies including the Boston Consulting Group, the Cambridge Economic Policy Associates (CEPA) or the Carbon Trust, further strengthening the society’s network and underlining our importance as a bridge between university and the world of work.


Brand visibility on our marketing materials, distributing promotional material on your behalf or the chance to have your representatives participate in our events are only a few of the benefits our sponsors can enjoy.


As our partner, you will be able to profit from our highly skilled members and the top talents at the London School of Economics. Through combining high-quality education at one of the world’s most renowned institutions and our the historically strong performance in the professional world of our alumni, our members would prove an invaluable asset to any company upon their graduation.


We offer three sponsorship deals for our society, each having its respective advantages and features.


Previous joint projects and events with our partners included careers workshops, case studies, office visits and seminars. You can sponsor specific projects, such as the Energy Journal or the G3 Summit, as well.


Our students are tomorrow’s top economists, analysts and politicians – do not miss the opportunity to inspire the future leaders of the energy industry today.


We would be happy to discuss sponsorship proposals, partnerships and further enquiries via email ( or Facebook.

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